Policy Info
Policy Details: 
The EUI has a Policy on Open Access, it is an extract of the EUI Code of Good Practice in Academic Research http://www.eui.eu/Documents/ServicesAdmin/DeanOfStudies/CodeofGoodPracticeinAcademicResearch.pdf The EUI is publicly financed institution whose funding enables it to provide essential research resources to its scholarly community. It requires its members to adhere to the terms and conditions governing access to such resources be they on paper or in digital format. The EUI supports the principle of Open Access and invites its members to facilitate the widespread dissemination of their published research by reporting and depositing their publications with the Institutional Repository of the EUI, Cadmus: http://cadmus.eui.eu/ a. EUI members should notify the bibliographical details of their published research to the Institutional Repository (IR) in a timely fashion b. EUI members are the copyright owners of their research output and are recommended to retain that copyright in dealings with publishers c. EUI members should deposit a digital copy of their published research for open archiving with the IR insofar as this is compatible with their publishing contracts d. EUI graduates should deposit a digital copy of their theses with the IR for preservation purposes. This will not be made available online without their explicit permission. Complete text of the policy: http://www.eui.eu/Documents/Research/EUIPublications/EUIPolicyonOpenAccess.pdf
Type of Mandate: 
X-Other (Non-Mandate)
Institution Info
European University Institute (EUI) - Cadmus
Additional Information: 
Date of Creation: 
29 June 2011
Last Harvest: 
06 July 2011
Name: Svantesson, Lotta ;Job Title: Repository Manager
Source: ROARMAP - http://roarmap.eprints.org/496