Policy Info
Policy Details: 
Ifsttar - The French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks, born on January 1st 2011, from the merger of INRETS and LCPC, is a Public Institution of a Scientific and Technical Nature, under the joint supervision of the ministry of ecology, sustainable development and energy and the ministry of higher education and research. Madis - http://madis.ifsttar.fr - is the institutional repository of Ifsttar. Ifsttar's publications and grey litterature must be deposited in Madis. Authors are strongly encouraged to deposit their final refereed draft as soon as the publication is accepted. Then the library staff sets the visibility of the document according to its copyright. Ifsttar has signed of the "Partnership Agreement for the open archives and the mutualized French platform HAL" in april 2013.
Institution Info
Ifsttar : Institut français des sciences et technologies des transports, de l’aménagement et des réseaux
Date of Creation: 
02 January 2014
Last Harvest: 
01 January 2014
Name: Michèle , BIDAL ;Email: [email protected] ;Job Title: Librarian
Source: ROARMAP - http://roarmap.eprints.org/930