Policy Info
Policy Details: 
We will adopt the policy that all departmental research output (full-text) is to be self-archived in the departmental Animal Physiology & Livestock Systems EPrint Archive. This policy is compatible with publishers' copyright agreements: The copyright for the unrefereed preprint resides entirely with the author before it is submitted for peer-reviewed publication, hence it can be self-archived irrespective of the copyright policy of the journal to which it is eventually submitted. Unrefereed preprints will stay confidential in our archive, till the publication, if the authors wish it. The copyright for the peer-reviewed postprint will depend on the specific wording of the copyright agreement that the author signs with the publisher. The copyright transfer agreement will either specify this right explicitly or the author can inquire about it directly.
Type of Mandate: 
Institutional Mandate
Institution Info
INRA Department of Animal Physiology and Livestock Systems
Additional Information: 
Date of Creation: 
03 April 2004
Last Harvest: 
23 October 2012
Name: Philippe, CHEMINEAU ;Job Title: Head of Department
Source: ROARMAP - http://roarmap.eprints.org/6