Policy Info
Policy Details: 
Type of Mandate: 
Institutional Mandate
Institution Info
Universidade do Algarve
Additional Information: 
Deposit of Documents in Sapientia The University of Algarve (UAlg) approved in March 2012 an institutional policy for Open Access for its institutional repository called Sapientia, which is integrated in Scientific Open Access Repository of Portugal (RCAAP). Sapientia brings together all the scientific publications produced by professors and researchers at the University of Algarve and wants to ensure easy access to this collection, improving the public impact of scientific activities of the University and ensuring the preservation of intellectual memory of UAlg . Teachers and researchers at the University of Algarve (UAlg) have an obligation to deposit in Sapientia, publications and documents resulting from their scientific activity as authors or co-authors for providing open access, with the exceptions listed below: the documents whose availability in open access constitutes a violation of the licenses granted to third parties (publishers, etc.), by authors or by UAlg or which contain confidential matters or will be published in the market (books, etc..), will be, exceptionally, storage at the level of metadata (author, title, etc..), leaving only those elements available in open access and its contents remain in restricted access. The authors of theses, dissertations, reports and other papers submitted and approved by UAlg, shall authorize the deposit of its work in Sapientia, by filing the appropriate form to complete upon delivery of work.
Date of Creation: 
02 April 2012
Last Harvest: 
02 April 2012
Name: Pacheco, Emilia L. ;Job Title: Librarian
Source: ROARMAP - http://roarmap.eprints.org/608