Policy Info
Policy Details: 
The full text of the mandate (in Catalan) is available at http://ddd.uab.cat/record/89641 This document, titled "Open Access policy of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona" was approved by the Governing Council of the University (UAB) on 25th April 2012, in compliance to the Agreement 46/2012. This policy establishes that all the members of the scholar community shall deposit a copy of any academic publication immediately after publication and no later than 6 months. The UAB recommends the publication in open access journal and encourages the dissemination of teaching resources.
Type of Mandate: 
Institutional Mandate
Institution Info
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Additional Information: 
Date of Creation: 
16 May 2012
Last Harvest: 
16 May 2012
Name: Azorín, Cristina ;Job Title: Gestora de Serveis d'Informació. Servei de Biblioteques de la UAB
Source: ROARMAP - http://roarmap.eprints.org/640