Policy Info
Policy Details: 
The Open Access Policy of the University of Coimbra was approved in September 2010, with the aim of broad access and dissemination of scientific production of University of Coimbra, as well as its long-term preservation. The University of Coimbra recommends all authors of the institution to deposit their publications, all scientific work produced in context of their activities at the university in Estudo Geral, name of the institutional repository of the University of Coimbra. The deposit should be made available in open access, with the following exceptions: documents whose availability in open access may constitute an infraction to the license granted to third parties (editors), that contain confidential matters or are intended for commercialization, are kept in restricted access with a period of embargo. Whenever possible, use the "SPARC Author Addendum” in contracts with publishers, so as to retain noncommercial usage rights and the right to deposit in open access databases.
Type of Mandate: 
Institutional Mandate
Institution Info
University of Coimbra
Additional Information: 
Date of Creation: 
30 August 2012
Last Harvest: 
30 August 2012
Name: Miguéis, Ana ;Job Title: Coordinator Librarian of University of Coimbra Joint Library Service
Source: ROARMAP - http://roarmap.eprints.org/681