Policy Info
Policy Details: 
URL: http://www.unifi.it/notiziario/upload/sub/2012_2/policy_open_access.pdf Not mandatory policy. - deposit of post peer review author version (final accepted draft) or, where possible, the publisher’s proprietary PDF - all UFi authors are requested to deposit in the university’s Institutional Repository through U-gov - including both its full-text and its bibliographic metadata (author, date, title, journal, etc.) and contextual metadata
Institution Info
University of Florence
Date of Creation: 
02 January 2014
Last Harvest: 
01 January 2014
Name: Tessa , Piazzini ;Email: [email protected] ;Job Title: Librarian, member of the OA University Working group
Source: ROARMAP - http://roarmap.eprints.org/946