22 November 2012 Tromsø (Norway)
open access
7th Munin Conference on Scientific Publishing 2012
The Munin conference is an annual conference on scientific publishing, with an Open Access approach. The duration of the conference this year will be held at 22–23 November 2012 at the University of Tromsø, Norway.
The conference theme is scholarly publishing, and submissions are welcome on topics including but not limited to:
- Open access publishing
- Open access to research data
- The role of scholarly journals
- The role of scholarly publishers
- The role of scholarly institutions
- The role of research funders
- New developments and new ideas regarding scholarly journals and scholarly papers
- Knowledge outreach
- Quality assessment and the peer review system
Link to event pagehttp://www.ub.uit.no/baser/ocs/index.php/Munin/MC7/index