The University of Minho, in conjunction with OpenAIREplus Project and MedOANet Project, is pleased to announce the UMinho Open Access Seminar.
The event will take place at the University of Minho, Braga, from 6 to 8 February 2013.
Taking advantage of the opportunity to gather at the same place OA international experts working on both OpenAIREplus and MedOANet projects, UMinho will organize an event which will include not only the formal meetings of both projects, but also public sessions on open access policies and interoperability infrastructures.
The three-days seminar include the European Workshop of the MedOANet project (6th Feb), an open day (7th Feb), and the OpenAIREplus Interoperability Workshop (8th Feb).
The MedOANet European Workshop will bring together decision-makers and task force representatives from the six Mediterranean countries: Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Greece and Turkey. It will also have the contribution of OA experts and representatives of relevant European and international organizations and initiatives. The workshop will produce a final document with conclusions/recommendations on how to implement coordinated policies in line with the European Commission’s initiatives such as Open Access Pilot on FP7, OpenAIRE, and OpenAIREplus.
The OpenAIREplus Interoperability Workshop will foster communication between OpenAIRE/ OpenAIREplus network of NOAD’s and national, European and international infrastructure initiatives and federations.
This series of events is aimed at members of both MedOANET and OpenAIRE projects, repository managers (both data and publications), data providers, data curators, open science practitioners, researchers, and librarians.
The programme is available on the website
More information about the event available at:
If you have any questions, please contact the Open Access projects team at